Thursday, July 22, 2010

Watch Tron: Legacy - New Trailer!

Only hours after the Tron: Legacy panel at the San Diego Comic Con finished up Yahoo posted the new, extended trailer for this holiday season's biggest movie.

I've watched the trailer 3 times since I found it and I can promise you that I will be watching it again after this post goes up.

I'll also be going back to watch the first trailers from the movie that had me hooked weeks ago.

Do yourself a favor and watch all of the trailers (#1 & #2) today and then mark your calendar for December 17, 2010 when Tron: Legacy hits theaters.


Watch The Expendables - Action Clip!

I found another clip from The Expendables. And this time we get some action.

Take a look at what I'm really expecting from the movie. Gun fights, yelling and some wicked moves by action stars.

For more information about The Expendables click the link and check out the full blog!

Enjoy the clip.

Watch The Expendables - New Clips!

The with release date for The Expendables getting closer and closer more information has started to surface to create some buzz.

So, today we have 2 clips from the movie thanks to the fine people at and I'm happy to share them with you!

Take a look at a couple cool moments between Sly Stallone and Jason Stathom as well as Mickey Rourke.

The Expendables promises to be a movie with lots of fighting and explosions, but it looks like there might be some story and character development as well.

Stay tuned for more information from The Expendables as I can find it and as Comic Con goes on this weekend in San Diego.

And to learn more about the movie and how and where to watch The Expendables streaming after the August 13, 2010 release date click the link and check out the article.


Watch Resident Evil - Comic Con Posters!

Screen Gems is making sure that they aren't left of out of the Comic Con action and have put up two huge banner posters for Resident Evil: Afterlife to get your attention.

Claire Redfield is getting a little more face time in the banners than I was expecting. But I don't mind. Alice is of course the focal point and gets shown 3 times in the two fixtures.

Take a look and see what you think. Should the studio be doing more? Should they be working harder with the September 10, 2010 release date quickly approaching?

For more information from Comic Con including the rundown from this Saturday's panel check out the Resident Evil: Afterlife blog!


Watch Transformers 3 - Action Photos From Chicago!

We've got photos from the set of Transformers 3 in Chicago. And this time they aren't boring set up shots. These are action shots of the army doing their thing in the urban giant alien robot war zone!

Take a look at the three photos here courtesy of and to see the rest of the set and to learn a little something about the climax of the movie click the link for the full Transformers 3 blog!
